
Best API Automation jobs in New York

Finding temporary work in API Automation has never been easier. With a single application, gain access to a variety of local part time and hourly jobs that fit your skillset and give you the opportunity to get paid at the end of your shift via Instant Pay!*

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Available positions open now

Clearing tables: Removing used plates, silverware, and glasses Resetting tables: Wiping down tables and resetting them with clean linens, glassware, and silverware Stocking: Ensuring the restaurant has enough plates, silverware, napkins, and water glasses
$15 - $35/hr
Experience preparing food typically by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients. Solid Summary
$10 - $18/hr
Experience preparing food typically by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.
$20 - $32/hr
Serves beer, wine and non-alcoholic drinks. Can verify patrons legal age.
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No Call No Show
• Read blueprints and Manufacturing instructions • Perform pem, tap and radius operations • Part identification and verification • Transfer material Run a previously set turret or brake press
$15 - $30/hr
Salad station, solid knife skills, basic food knowledge. 1-2 yrs exp.
Station service, ingredient and food preparation using a variety of cooking and knife techniques.
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Competency & Accreditation Triggers
MA base conditions
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[Keepers] JJJ Worker Accepts & Finishes Gig
My Team OT Booking - No Overtime Required
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Edit Fulfilled Single-Day Booking
$45 - $65/hr
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$20 - $22/hr
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Ondemand Manager In-Person-Clock-In-Out
Jr QA Engineer: 1-2 years of experience, or equivalent education.
Experience preparing food typically by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.

We’re seeking quality talent for a wide range of roles.

*Instant Pay is conditional on the achievement of performance criteria, a current/active and supported debit card, a supported tax profile, and approval of hours worked. Certain gigs may require additional time to verify worker hours and in such cases, payment may take longer to process. USA only.